Chess Sets for Schools and Clubs in the UK


Chess4Schools are dedicated to quality products and superior customer service. We offer huge discounts to schools and clubs and we are passionate about getting people involved in chess. Wherever possible we support various chess events, especially junior and new ones, both financially and with time and effort, be it setting up, providing the equipment free of charge or in any other way that they need. We know that without putting something back into chess we wouldn't have the increasing customer base that we do have. 

We offer many years experience in chess products and we are devoted to providing the customer with a satisfied online shopping experience. Our site features everything from chess sets and boards as well as high class hand carved wooden chess sets to tournament equipment including chess clocks and chess awards. 

We do our best to provide details of all the products we stock via the website however if there is something you require which is not featured on our web page please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team and we will do our best to source it for you.




We stock a wide and varied range of tournament chess equipment and we are sure we have the perfect sets and boards for your School and or Club.

Chess is such a brilliant and entertaining game to learn... what's more, educate! Whilst you utilize care, tolerance and patience while educating. 

Furthermore, attempt to be fascinating! Utilization cleverness, amusing voices, cartwheels :) - whatever it takes to make your understudies focus and have a decent time. 

The following is an exceptionally fundamental chess educational program suggested by Chess4Schools that you can use to work with novices. You can discover a plethora of information for your lessons in the chess books found in our book shop!  What's more, obviously, make certain to look at our website page here at Chess4Schools , which has a considerable measure of data on pieces, moves, procedures, chess clubs etc

1. How the chess pieces move and how to setup the chess board 

2. Step by step instructions to catch chess pieces (its alright to catch the King before you learn checkmate!) 

3. Check and checkmate 

4. More propelled guidelines of castling, en passant, and pawn advancement 

5. The estimations of the pieces and making great catches and exchanges 

6. Adding to your pieces and controlling the inside 

7. Utilizing numerous pieces to assault and shield 

8. Fundamental strategies - forks and pins 

9. Fundamental techniques - controlling squares, diagonals, and documents 

10. Fundamental opening standards - control key squares, enact your pieces, get your sovereign to his fort.

Welcome to the Chess 4 Schools Website
UK Leading Supplier of School Chess Sets and Boards

Chess4Schools Quality Tournament Chess Sets, Boards and Equipment


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